Creamed Spinach Burger

This is a healthier take on CREAMED SPINACH but you’re welcome to do a full fat version too. In 2 Tb EVOO sauté 2-3 chopped garlic cloves and 1/2 diced sweet yellow onion. After 5-7 minutes add 2 containers frozen spinach (thawed and drained). Cook through. Add a 1/3 C low fat cream cheese, dash of fresh nutmeg, and a healthy shake of S&P. Once cooked through add 3/4 (about..) 2% milk and simmer until liquid is cooked through. Add 1/2 C grated parmesan at the very end of cooking. Add more S&P if needed. BURGER- I used 96% extra lean ground beef. To raw meat I added 1/4 C Worcestershire sauce and S&p. Cook in a skillet until medium rare (it will keep cooking). Add 1/2-1 C of beef broth to the pan the burgers were cooked in and deglaze and reduce drippings and broth. TOAST good white bread and lightly butter. Add burger, creamed spinach and top with Trader Joes Fried Onion pieces.