Caramelized Grapefruit with Yogurt and Granola

I’m not someone who loves grapefruit but I do love this mid-afternoon snack. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and sour, warm and cool, and soft and crunchy! I post a lot of Greek yogurt but it is one of the healthiest snacks I have come up with. It’s high in protein, low in sugar, no fat, and low in calories. Our favorite is Chobani Plain 0% Greek Yogurt. I will admit I didn’t love it at first. I used to eat 1/2 vanilla flavored yogurt with 1/2 plain but have grown to love it. Skip the midnight bowl(s) of cereal and make this swap. Slice your grapefruit in half. Cut into grapefruit segments but leave in place. I’ve tried topping it with brown sugar which is great but my favorite is honey, a tiny bit of melted butter, and cinnamon. White sugar would be fine too. Use about 1-2 Tb of topping and put under broiler for 3-4 minutes. Eat plain or with yogurt and granola.