Life is not all Chili Dogs

Life is not all chili dogs. I often get asked how I am able to eat so much. It’s all about moderation. This is breakfast today. No carbs. Leave the muffins, croissants, and pastries unless they look amazing. I split the chili dog with my husband last night and probably only ate 1/4 of it. The 10th bite is not as good as the first. If I eat grilled doughnuts, I eat half of one and not three. I eat really well 90% of the time and leave that 10% for food that is worth it. Last night they served a cobbler that was pretty average for dessert so after one bite I put my fork on the floor (crazy lady) so I wouldn’t eat anymore. If it was amazing cobbler I would have eaten the whole bowl. Be picky about your splurges. And of course EXERCISE!! Six days a week no excuses. First thing every morning with very few exceptions. I love it, crave it, and can’t live without it. I’m a better mom, wife, and foodie once the…


Healthy Eating Tips and Tricks

Speaking tonight to women about healthy eating tips and tricks. Here are a couple of my notes. What are some of your favorite tips? 1. Self discipline – Healthy, in-shape people are rarely lucky. They work very hard and say no to unhealthy food more often then yes. Sacrifice, willpower, and hard work. 2. Change your mindset about the type of eater you are. (Tell yourself, I never buy chicken nuggets or hamburgers at a drive through. I don’t eat white bread. I am a healthy eater. I exercise six days a week) 3. Make splurges worth it- Don’t think of foods as off limits. Indulge on only the very best things. 4. Weight loss is 75% diet and 25% exercise. You are what you eat. 5. Low carb (less pasta, white breads ) Load up on lean proteins and vegetables (chicken, pork, all veggies) 6. Remove temptation- Don’t keep unhealthy food at home. (Throw away candy, 2 bites of dessert then fork on the floor, say no to the bread bowl) 7. Emotional eating – Monitor when and why…